Synonym: match, meet. Similar words: cooperate with, live with, agree with, in line with, keep pace with, make peace with, interfere with, fall in love with. Meaning: v. satisfy or fulfill.
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211. I doubt if the schools system could cope with another overhaul to undo all the harm done.
212. To be truly effective a system needs to be designed to cope with a wide range of inputs.
213. But human negotiators are slow, and can cope with problems only up to a certain level of complexity.
214. Young people who abuse drugs regularly often end up as very immature adults because they never learn to cope with their problems.
215. Shouting to Wemyss to cope with this situation, Douglas wasted no time.
216. Stocking too quickly leads to disease and deaths, as the biological filter can not cope with the load.
217. Darlington council has a sophisticated computer system to cope with the poll tax process.
218. A family attempts to cope with the eruption into their lives of an unruly aunt.
219. In cases like this, the company has to be sold off to someone who can cope with the debt.
220. The nature of classroom interaction is one factor which may affect children's ability to cope with explanations in the classroom.
221. Piphros' vocabulary was indeed limited and was unable to cope with the complexity of some of the things she had asked.
222. It was obvious I was in no condition to cope with a train journey and a stay in Hastings at Christmas.
223. Although a warmer climate may sound appealing, the effects of the heat can be difficult to cope with.
224. The Montegos have been specially adapted to cope with the extreme climate.
225. Their descendants are full of genes that enable them to cope with several antibiotics at once.
226. All these situations create anxiety which the client then has to cope with.
227. The managers were learning how to cope with situations beyond their control[], a foundation for their future career.
228. The monster cities of the future horrify planners struggling to cope with today's metropolises.
229. The city is now relatively quiet but there's palpable anger as people cope with shortages.
230. My secretary can not cope with the backlog of paperwork.
231. Hyundai, the world's biggest shipbuilder, opened the $ 830 m plant last year to cope with increasing orders.
232. Abstract: To explore reasons failed focal debridement in treating spinal tuberculosisand Methods: To cope with them.
233. Mutsaers says[Sentencedict], he wears a sombrero to cope with temperatures well above 100 degrees.
234. The airport is trying to cope with a backlog of flight held up by fog.
235. Hundreds of euphemisms have sprung up to cope with politically incorrect vocabulary.
236. It could act as an automatic stabiliser to help cope with asymmetric shocks.
237. Oh , but my useless muscles couldn't even cope with a rickshaw. "
238. AKVIS Magnifier will cope with this problem and deliver good results.
239. The social situation is Proteus, thus we need more knowledge to cope with all its problems.
240. To cope with this system, an international manager needs both factual and interpretive knowledge of culture.
More similar words: cooperate with, live with, agree with, in line with, keep pace with, make peace with, interfere with, fall in love with, communicate with, in accordance with, cope, scope, telescope, with, without, go with, within, do with, down with, with young, withdraw, go without, do without, play with, talk with, get on with, bear with, meet with, deal with, end up with.